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    Sequels: Where Do We Draw the Line?

    Analyze the media's excessive purging of sequels to the public. Are sequels more or less becoming strictly a financial gain, as opposed to continuing a beloved story to audiences that is worth value? Why is it that sequels are generally deemed disappointing?

    • Another thing to consider would be "reboots" of certain films. For instance the Spiderman movies (how many origin stories does he have at this point?). Other interesting areas would be Disney's insane sequealing habits vs. Pixar (who has a substantially small amount of sequels with Toy Story being the only one with such a high amount of them). Do these films need the sequels? Nonetheless something I would like to see in this topic/article is a compare and contrast. Have their been successful sequels? Why so? – Mela 8 years ago
    • I totally think that sequels are a financial gain, a story line could truly come off as brilliant and beyond great. However once it ends that should be it, but I suppose instead of making a total different story line and different characters it's somewhat easier and cost efficient to use that same story line, revamp it and drag it on a little bit more. Besides, from a writers stand point it is easier to use the same characters that the audience has already known and gotten to love. – Karolyn11 8 years ago
    • I agree with the "reboots" comment. The obvious example is Harry Potter, both Cursed Child and Fantastic Beasts. I'm a huge Harry Potter fan, but I'm really not sure whether to be happy about the spin-offs. But I'm still paying to see/read them! Maybe you could go into that - the extent to which potentially bad sequels to a good movie still can make a profit. – jonese19 8 years ago

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    Agreed with breadeater above. I loved the movie Boyhood. However, thinking more deeply about it, my love for the film was dominantly held in its striking and unheard of direction. In fact, the main reason I even watched the film in the first place was to take part in watching actors grow up before my eyes. Regardless of the quality, THAT, in and of itself, is worth watching for. However, a great movie cannot just rely on new techniques to spark an audience’s attention. There needs to be more underneath the surface.

    The 21st Century Films Prepared For Classic Status

    Breaking Bad is one of the only shows I’ve seen that I can affirmatively say felt like WATCHING literature. The symbolism, minimalism, profoundness of its characters, and heartbreaking realism makes you want to scream for joy- yes, there are shows out there that deserve it’s acclaim. This is what it’s like to watch quality.

    Objects in Breaking Bad: If Things Could Talk

    This thought can apply to almost any art form- not just writing.

    You can advance upon your skills as a writer at school, but if there are no creative juices indigenous to your mind in the first place, can you truly be a great writer? It is the natural talent, the eye for detail, the introspect of mankind that allows you to write detailed stories; Anyone can write, but this is what separates the good writers from the great.

    Can you Teach Someone how to Become a Writer?