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    The pen is mightier than the sword

    'The pen is mightier than the sword' was first said by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. This saying sounded strange to me at first until I began to think about some more and realised how true it was because a pen has the ability to murder someone or to save someone, to hate someone or to love someone. Many wars have been started with just a signature so this saying still rings true today. Bringing this saying into the 21st century and we see the true power that written (or typed words) can have on someone.Many people are now basing their whole life around what someone may have or have not typed about them on FaceBook and sometimes the hurt things that are being said are being led to our younger generation having mental health issues and parents having to attend the funerals of their very young children. So even though this saying was written over 150 years ago it is still as relevant in today's climate and I do not think that it will ever loose its meaning because it has just as much value in the fiction world as it does in the non-fiction world.

    • While I would like for the pen to be mightier than the sword, I would have to disagree. Violence in itself overpower cultured civilisations, look at what happened to Carthage, but educated violence is the cocktail. Commanders are trained in the educated distribution of violence, – RedFlame2000 6 years ago

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    This was an interesting read. I need to learn to starting taking time to get serous about my creative writing which is hard to do around my university so to begin small I have decided to join a writers group which has given me a reason to write so I now see the meetings as business meetings instead of a social group.

    Creating a Writing Habit that Works: Muses, Magic and Faith

    I do believe that the passion for writing is one that is inbuilt in us, otherwise why we want to learn more about to begin with but on saying this I do believe that there are skills are writing that need to be taught. A couple of those skills that come to mind are editing and publishing. Other than those two skills being creative needs to come from the inside and therefore can not be taught.

    Are Creative Writers Taught or Talented?

    Hi this is going to sound crazy but I do believe that time travel is a real thing and that in due time we will discover it. The reason why I do believe it in so strongly is the fact that there are so many strange disappearances that no one can explain, on saying this I have not heard of any strange appearances (except on YouTube). I just think that it does pay to have an open mind about it.

    Time Travel: The Literary Way To Wander