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    Tree of Life and Melancholia:Opposing Perspective on Life

    What Tree of Life by Terrence Malick and Melancholia by Lars Von Trier have in common is that they are two films that are poetic in their imagery and dialogue. With nuanced characters, each film seeks to explore the human experience and provide its own answer to question of life's ultimate meaning. Analyze each film in depth. Discuss differences and similarities between the characters of each film, and how each affirms the films central themes. Also examine the differences and the possible similarities in the messages of both films.

    • This is a very interesting subject when it comes to two entirely different filmmakers. I would be very interested in approaching it from the angle you propose. – caryleiter 7 years ago

    The Rarity of Female Celibacy in Television and Film

    There has been an enduring presence of celibate male heroes in our media. Although these heroes are admittedly scarce, female protagonists that aren't romantically or sexually inclined, are even less common. Discuss the reasons for this absence. Give examples of TV shows and films that feature a female protagonist who has no love interest.

    • MKLee did you have suggestions for specific films or TV shows that you would like to see considered? – derBruderspielt 7 years ago
    • I was thinking of films like Brave, Frozen, Moana, Naucissa Valley of the Wind, Lara Croft, etc. As for Tv shows, maybe Game of Thrones, with a focus on Arya and arguably Sansa and Margery. Perhaps some anime like Fairy Tail and Mahou Shoujo Madoka. – MKLee 7 years ago

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    Latest Comments

    Great article. All the other analyses I have encountered on this film were comedic. This article is thorough and thought provoking.

    In Defense of 'The Room': Atmosphere and Tone

    Interesting piece. It was certainly cerebral explanation of the writing process, although I did feel that the article got a little wordy and ,as a result, lost some of its meaning.

    The Applied Author: From Concept To Completion

    Great piece. I went back and watched the japanese version of Yu-Gi Oh!,and I was surprised at the dark elements that were censored in the 4kids version. There were moments that I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It had been a while lol

    Yu-Gi-Oh!: Terrifying or Inspiring?

    Couldn’t have said it better myself. What we were giving was the only resolution that would have suited the story thematically. This is why Love Never Dies is a travesty. It completely undermines the characterization and the central message of the first story. There is no reason that I can’t think of that Christine would choose the phantom as a romantic partner. He is selfish, controlling, abusive. He retains all of these qualities in the sequel and he is rewarded with financial success,triumph over his rival (genuinely decent character who has been turned into a belligerent drunk),and the love of the woman he terrorized in the first show and continues to bully in the second. Not to mention, a new son that he has a rightful claim to, despite the fact, there is NOTHING to suggest that he would be a good parent. Christine’s compassion for the phantom has been replaced with mere lust for the phantom’s music and his charisma. It’s a disaster. I will admit that the music is good, but it isn’t enough to veil the issues with this sequel.

    Phantom of the Opera and the Problem of "Shipping"

    I haven’t seen any of these films, but I plan to watch them after reading these articles. Great Job.

    Satoshi Kon's Otaku: The Dangers of Technological Fantasy

    Wonderful Article. I was once a huge fan of Inuyasha. It was my first exposure to Japanese mythology. Also, when you mentioned that, in Buddhism, shinigami possessed humans and drove them to suicide the anime that immediately came to mind was Mahou Shoujo Madoka. Even though the monster in question is a witch,it seems that the mythology of the MSM universe are still influenced by Buddhist mythology, which is only to be expected when you examine the themes of the show.

    The Mythological and Folk Tale Origins of Classic Anime