Jennifer Carr

Jennifer Carr

I'm a budding writer who doesn't claim to be an expert in the fields of film, animation, literature and TV, but I do enjoy making scribblings about them.

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Jennifer Carr

Catching Fire was great. I just hope the two Mockingjay movies don’t end up feeling really bloated and full of padding.

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Expectations from Literature to Film
Jennifer Carr

Thank you for reading. Rian Johnson is awesome. I loved “Looper”, can’t wait to see what he does next. And yes, Breaking Bad for all the Emmys or the Heisenberg Army riots.

The 25 Best Moments of Acting on Breaking Bad
Jennifer Carr

Thanks for reading, glad you enjoyed it. Yes, it was very sad stuff. I think it was this point, for me, that Breaking Bad stopped being escapism and started to become something much more visceral. Still brilliant, but really able to crawl under your skin.

The 25 Best Moments of Acting on Breaking Bad
Jennifer Carr

Thank you for reading, glad you enjoyed it. It had a lot of potential to be fantastic, but it feels like they didn’t take advantage of that potential. I hope Pixar can get back to how good they were – but the recent announcement of Cars 3 does not fill me with hope.

Brave: A Victim of Favouritism?
Jennifer Carr

Thanks for reading. My personal opinion is that every actor is capable of giving a good performance as long as they get the right material. Sadly, Hollywood is kind of 50/50 in that regard and some actors just keep getting typecast because their agents can’t be bothered looking for better projects. I’d like to see Adam Sandler and Brendan Fraser do something really meaty. And “George of the Jungle” is still as funny to me now as it was when I was eight.

Family Movies: Eradicating the Fart Joke
Jennifer Carr

Thank you for reading. I loved the movie, but can understand why it might’ve fallen flat for others. Back in 2010 everyone was raving about Black Swan and I thought it was just okay but very weird (Natalie Portman was incredible, though)

Family Movies: Eradicating the Fart Joke
Jennifer Carr

Thank you for reading. I think the studios are just in a hurry to get them out so they can make up the deficit and who really cares if it’s good or not.

Family Movies: Eradicating the Fart Joke
Jennifer Carr

Thank you very much! Your sons are obviously living proof that kids are smarter than film executives give them credit for. Here’s hoping we get more and more sophisticated fare in the future.

Family Movies: Eradicating the Fart Joke