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    The Cost of Dreams in Film

    The last two films by Damien Chazelle have both included ideas of dreams: Whiplash and La La Land; another favourite is Black Swan, directed by Darren Aronofsky. You could possibly explore the differences and similarities between such a theme in these films (or others, these are just suggestions); what makes these characters so willing to sacrifice things for their dream; in what ways dreams are presented differently in various films; the idealistic view of dreams vs realist depiction of them. It could also be titled something like 'The Presentation of Dreams in Film'.

    • Nice suggestion. Movies, especially Hollywood movies, are in themselves the product of the dreams of the creators, hence 'The Dream Factory', so we could consider movies that address the escapist dream theme as dreams within dreams. It might also be worth noting that Aronofsky was influenced by another great dreamer - the Japanese anime director Satoshi Kon, whose 1997 film' Perfect Blue' heavily influenced Aronofsky's 'Black Swan'. – Amyus 7 years ago
    • "Dream" must be defined in a more precise way here. – T. Palomino 1 year ago

    The Great Gatsby: The Death of the American Dream

    There are many ways in which Jay Gatsby is portrayed as the physical embodiment of the American Dream, is his death Fitzgerald's way of criticising the changing idea of the American Dream, or its delusion/reality or the changing of American values in some way?

    • This is a good topic, but it is also an incredibly overdone topic - this is in fact the basis of final year high school essays the world over. However, that said it does not diminish the fact that this topic is one that continues to resonate. The idea of the death of the American Dream has been going on since the 20s. I think a more pertinent question at this point would be to ask is the American Dream actually dead? If so why is it still at the heart of so much popular culture? – SaraiMW 7 years ago

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    Latest Comments

    The Meyerowitz Stories is a good Adam Sandler film.

    Cinema Cynicism: The Ballad of Adam Sandler

    The Meyerowitz Stories is good Adam Sandler film.

    Cinema Cynicism: The Ballad of Adam Sandler

    The Great Gatsby is, and always will be, timeless.

    The Endurance of Gatsby

    I have not seen it, but you make it sound like it has the underlying aim of making us question how our society treats orphans and those who have been neglected in some way.

    "Anne With An E": Elucidating Light and Dark

    I think the problem with remakes is there is hardly any mystery surrounding most of them as we recognise the story, and so never truly draws an audience in completely. Of course, there can be good remakes but only when something distinctively new is brought to it; if there isn’t, it just seems like cheap nostalgia, lacking innovation.

    Rise of the Remakes in Hollywood