
I am an English Major at Montclair State University pursuing a career in writing. I am currently writing a graphic novel, and also spend a lot of time playing video games.

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    The Ethics Behind Downloadable Content in Videogames. When Should We Draw the Line on Excessive Pricing?

    With recent game releases such as "Starwars Battlefront," a lot of gamers are frustrated with the lack of content on the base, $60 game, with most content locked away behind an additional $50 price tag. While some DLC can add a lot to a game, such as extra story missions in the "Borderlands" series or new playable characters in "Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS," other DLC feels like the developers are just showing their inner greed (ex. downloadable content that is almost crucial to understanding the game's full story.) Explore the ethical issues when developers, almost intentionally, leave games unfinished and devoid of content. When does DLC become less of a "reward" for players looking for more content and more of a quick, money-making business scheme?

    • (Make sure to capitalize the words in the title). I think this is a really interesting and relevant topic. It could also be interesting to talk about what the cause of the trend toward including DLC is, and why its becoming so omnipresent. – Null 9 years ago
    • I don't view this as an ethical issue, as both parties are using their free exercise to create video game content, and to purchase that content (or not in either case). I see this more as a question of motives for creating content. – JDJankowski 9 years ago

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    I actually agree with this and I don’t think you’re being picky. As much as I love seeing classic shows like Hey! Arnold and All That, it mainly serves as simple nostalgia fuel for me. That’s not to say I can’t still enjoy the shows even though I’m a bit older now, but I feel that it may be a bit too much “holding onto the past.” Even as someone who constantly dwells on nostalgia, I can’t say I feel too inclined to watch all of these shows again back-to-back each day (not to mention at a rather inconvenient time if you ask me). Perhaps a special, 1 week (maybe even just a weekend) of the year marathon would be a nice way to have an occasional nostalgia trip.

    Nickelodeon’s The Splat: Bringing Back Classic Content for Millennials

    “No idea is a bad idea.” I very much enjoyed this article and this quote stood out to me the most. Yes, not every idea will make it into your writing, but it is important to track each step along the way. Writer’s block is typically a way of telling yourself, as a writer, “I don’t know what to do.” Despite this, I find that I am almost always thinking about my writing. It is on my mind at a consistent rate, even if I’m not trying to think of new ideas or how to progress in the story. Sometimes just looking over my notes or character/story descriptions can get me back into my work.

    For me, the key is to never forget what my writing means to me. I may not have everything planned out piece by piece, but I know that I’m not just going to give up on my work if an idea doesn’t come right away. Everyone experiences some slowdown in their writing. From the very start of a story it’s already easy to be lost, but odds are if you’ve made it past the first scene, you can find a way to progress from there.

    Attention Writers: The Myth of Writer's Block

    Outside of the fun social aspect of the game, what I really owe to Guitar Hero is the soundtrack for the game. I discovered so many new artists from playing through each title in the series, some of which I still listen to a lot today. It also encouraged me to pick up the guitar as my personal instrument of choice several years ago. I can’t quite say Guitar Hero will make you “better” at a real guitar, but as a source of inspiration to try a real instrument, it really helps. I agree there will always be a place for these titles, even if their popularity is diminishing.

    Plastic Instruments Have Risen Again?