
Passionate about music, art, literature and philosophy. Novel in progress, dabble in poetry, enjoy painting and drawing, reading and singing, never cease to learn, introvert.

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Monopoly or Just Good Business? Disney acquires Marvel

With the recent popularity of all things comic what are the benefits to the comic industry and to the art community. Will other comic companies follow suit and join large conglomerates? Will all the ideas of Marvel be exhausted in the span of a decade on the movie screen? Will the remakes cease if the comic industry continues to go from paper copy to big screen?

  • A good way to look at this is from an outsider' viewpoint as well. DC is owned by Disney competitor Time Warner and also airs its shows on Time Warner channels like Cartoon Network with shows like Gotham, Flash, Green Lantern, Young Justice, and the comedic Teen Titans Go not to mention the cinematic movies coming out. Yet, the DC comics are still going really strongly. This suggests that in DCs case, they've found a healthy boundary. Will Marvel do the same, or will Disney's acquisition of Marvel be the comics downfall and hand victory to DCs Time Warner? – SpectreWriter 10 years ago
  • Of important note would be the changes we have seen in comic delivery since the acquisition. Namely the short cycle of comic titles as they tumble in a continuous cycle of reboots. Gone are the days when a series could live to see issue 300, as most barely make it past 34. This has become painfully evident since the Disney/Marvel merger, and shows no signs of leaving. Also the rise of comic "events", which span multiple series and many books. These broad strokes events appear to be aimed to getting readers to branch into multiple series more-so than anything. They existed in the past, but in far fewer iterations, and with much less frequency. – ApeX 10 years ago
  • Under capitalism, monopoly is defined as "good business." Also, the notion of "exhaustion" has always been questionable. – T. Palomino 3 years ago

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I enjoyed this article. I especially like the analysis of the mother/mammy role as portrayed by Faulkner.

Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury: The Fragmentation of Motherhood

I agree, a story should per say, grab you! Pixar does seem to have an edge. I was once told when creating a story board we must have a climax, a moment of conflict, and then a resolve. Although I’ve watched many movies I’ve begged silently for the peace in the movie to remain, I know without the conflict I may not have loved it as I had. Great article indeed!

The Element of Surprise: A Storyteller's Secret Weapon

This article has me interested to read some of his books. I’m ashamed to say after all the reviews that I am not one who has ready any of his material. I look forward to at least reading one of the many promoted books mentioned here and will definitely comment further once I have a better perspective of his work.

Colorful Haruki Murakami and His Ever-growing Popularity: Why do People Like His Works?