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    The diversity of Best Picture Oscar Nominees 2017

    Explore the different topics and issues raised by this year's Oscar Nominees: Arrival, Fences, Hacksaw Ridge, Hell or High Water, Hidden Figures, La La Land, Lion, Manchester by the Sea and Moonlight are, compared to one another, incredibly diverse, and they demonstrate that Hollywood this year has been experimenting in new interesting ways. Especially focus on issues of gender, race and genre.

    • Whoever decides to undertake this titanic project, whether is for 2017, 2019, 2022 or any year, first ask yourself if 365 days would be enough time to finish the piece before new award nominations, trends and societal concerns take over. – T. Palomino 2 years ago

    A psychological reading of the characters from "Game of Thrones"

    The HBO success "Game of Thrones" brings on screen a wide variety of characters with clear mental issues. From Joffrey's violent nature, which lacks any form of remorse, to Ramsay's damaged personality or Jamie and Cersei's incestuous relationship (also Sansa Stark, Jon Snow and Theon Greyjoy can be interesting examples). It would be fascinating to use psychoanalytical concepts, taken from Freud, Jung or Klein, in order to offer a reading of these characters and their backstories and objectives.

    • This would be so cool to read and an interesting topic to explore. I'm not an avid watcher of "Game of Thrones" myself, but I think that psychoanalytic theory and concepts can be applied to any fictional character, whether they be literary or cinematic. Freud, Jung, or Klein would all be of course good places to start - anyone interested in researching this would I think also be inclined to check out the work of Erich Fromm (philosopher/psychologist). His work in "Escape from Freedom" is a great analysis of authoritarian, sadistic, and masochistic character-types - theories which could be applied to characters such as Joffrey. – kyletsakiris 8 years ago

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    Interesting point! I’ll definitely do some research about male nudes by female artists!

    Painters Who Challenged the Conventional Female Nude

    Absolutely! I’m glad you liked it and thanks for your comment

    Painters Who Challenged the Conventional Female Nude

    As you can see in the article, I have included a female painter (Thomas). All the other painters I have considered are men because of the centuries in which they worked (a period in which female creative emancipation was not yet there). However, looking at contemporary painters, many women are offering reinterpretations and more authentic representations of the female body (see Nina Abney, Tschabalala Self, Alejandra Hernandez etc).

    Painters Who Challenged the Conventional Female Nude

    Thank you for your comment! I’m glad you found the article useful!

    Painters Who Challenged the Conventional Female Nude

    Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed reading it!

    Painters Who Challenged the Conventional Female Nude

    Thank you for your great comment! Yes, the viewer is, paradoxically, viewed, and I believe this is one of the reasons why these paintings manage to put their subjects in such a powerful position. As you said, Thomas’s painting is a particularly powerful example of this. However, I’m not sure Schiele’s women are fully free. Rather, they express the pain and unease of the male gaze!

    Painters Who Challenged the Conventional Female Nude

    Thank you very much!

    Painters Who Challenged the Conventional Female Nude

    I’m glad you liked it! Thanks for your comment !

    Painters Who Challenged the Conventional Female Nude