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    Fanart as High Art

    Considering most Renaissance art is actually 'fan art' of the Bible, what place does the upsurge in artistic renditions of pop culture have in the realm of 'high art?' Can the culture of online artists thriving on Tumblr and DeviantArt create traction in academic circles? The same could be asked of fanfiction — writers all over the world write novel-worthy offshoots of popular characters and stories. How can these creators of the 21st century gain recognition outside of the internet and their respective fanbase? Will it ever happen?

    • You'll also want to talk about whether fanfiction could be considered literature. The question here appears to be: can art that imitates art be considered art in its own right? – Kristian Wilson 9 years ago
    • This is a fascinating topic! I have to say, I'm kind of surprised that there isn't much scholarly interest in fan art, considering there is some academic discussion regarding fanfiction and fandoms. I think one thing you need to address is the legal aspect of this topic. Fanart and fanfiction are technically illegal, since they are derivative works. Many fanfictions are tolerated by authors of the original work, but only under the condition that the fanfic writers stay non-commercial. Some authors don't tolerate fanfiction at all. Same goes for fanart, I believe. So yeah, the illegality of these works might be a big reason as to why they don't get much attention, so it's worth looking into that. – ericg 9 years ago
    • I would say that a focus on either the art or the fictin would be preferable. Otherwise, this runs the risk of being too fleeting, and stretching across too many topics. – Francesca Turauskis 9 years ago
    • Very intriguing! I agree with ericg, there is the legal side to fanart and fanfiction to consider as copyright issues do restrict the artists and authors' ability to share their work. But in a way, both fanart and fanfiction are becoming their own categories in art and literature. Now instead of just talking about the two individually, you could compare fanart to fanfiction. How are they developing? Does one seem to have a higher popularity rate than the other? Another question you could ask is: why choose fanart/fiction? If the individual is as talented as they are, what drives them to choose to create something fandom-based instead of an original work? These would all be interesting points to explore. A side note, if you do decide to write about both fanart and fanfiction, I would revise your title, something to the extent of: "The Artists and Authors of Fandoms". – Megan Finsel 9 years ago

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    There are so many flaws in Kishimoto’s portrayal of romantic love, especially since he is awful (and has openly admitted to being awful) at writing female characters. These female characters’ storylines are entirely dedicated to their love interests. Sakura blooms from a young girl with a crush…and ends up being a single mother of a child that may not even be hers. Hinata has no relevance to plot other than her love for Naruto. Neji’s death bolstering Naruto and Hinata’s relationship is an outright insult to Neji’s own unique storyline, that he will refuse to be a child for destiny, that he will not die as a slave for the main branch (Kishimoto basically flips off Neji. It’s awful.).

    This article is well thought out, and certainly parental and sacrificial love is highlighted, but the romantic love in Naruto is nothing short of disappointing.

    Love in Masashi Kishimoto’s Naruto

    As an aspiring developer, I think it’s worth adding in the capabilities and limitations of the game devs. Personally, I’m pretty disgusted when gamers are disappointed with the lack of result in their ‘false’ agency (see: Mass Effect 3 and Life is Strange). I think it’s a problem devs face whenever they want to make a choice-based game — how can I make every single choice impact the ending? The real answer is that you can’t, it’s simply not possible in a medium in which the developer doesn’t actually interact with every individual person playing the game.

    In Dungeons & Dragons, however, the DM knows the players, can adjust the world according to their interactions with the world. In order for games to give us this sense of agency, we’d have to transcend the dev – gamer boundary somehow, which is a conundrum of it’s own.

    I loved many of the games you mentioned, and I’m glad to see someone else thinking critically about this medium.

    Bioshock and the Illusion of Choice in Gaming

    I have a love/hate relationship with fanservice. It’s difficult for me to pin down fanservice to cater to the ‘male gaze’ when I, a pansexual nonbinary individual, happen to casually enjoy hentai. Fanservice, to me, has no place in stories focusing heavily on plot and character development. But fanservice itself has humorous elements, which the likes of Studio Trigger used to its advantage in Kill La Kill.

    As a blogger on tumblr who follows many anime blogs, I find that fanservice transforms many female characters into icons, be it Ryuko or Asuka. But if you were to ask the fans of these icons why they like these characters, I would wager they would refer to their personalities faster than their T&A. This is an interesting aspect of fanservice that I think deserves more speculation.

    Otherwise, this is excellently written, very thought provoking!

    Fanservice in Anime: Perception Versus Intent